The planthoroscope®

The garden of the Tree Horoscope
You are bound to know astral or chinese horoscopes, but do you know the Tree Horoscope ?
The Plant Horoscope commonly known as celtic horoscope is 7000 years old. Each tree corresponds to a fundamental field of meanings. The Celtic calendar is an initiatory system that reveals how all things are linked together to create a great whole.
The principle of this astrology is based on the observation of nature. Trees contribute to purifying the air we breathe. They were venerated and associated with the great spirits and nature’s secret forces.
Which tree is your protector ?
Discover the tree associated with your birth day !
The Tree Horoscope or Celtic calendar is made up of 4 cardinal trees and 18 referent trees. Each tree is represented by several dates.
Spring and autumn equinoxes determine the dates. Four of the trees correspond to one single calendar date : the cardinals.
The tree associated with your birthday influences your personality and determines the guiding lines of your existence : your protector tree. Such as a friend to whom you tell your dreams and knowledge, the tree is by your side in your life.

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